Friday, 31 July 2015

Bronson's Pepeha

 This is Bronson, he is a Room 3 learner who is spending some time in or class today.

Ko Puhangatohora te maunga - My mountain is Puhangatohoroa 
Ko Mangatawa te awa - My river is Manatawa 
ko pukerata te marae - My Marae is Pukerata 
ko ngatokimata-whourua te waka - My waka is Ngatokimata-Whourua 
ko ngapuhi te hapu - My tribe is Ngapuhi 
ko naitu te iwi - And we are from Naitu 

"Knowing my Pepeha is important to me because if I go to a different place and meet new people, it is a way to share what is culturally important to me. Through hearing other people's Pepeha I can create meaningful connections."

1 comment:

  1. Good job Bronson keep up the Maori language!


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